Quantum center

Grenoble has historically had two advantages as a major contributor to quantum science and technology. On the one hand, the region brings together fundamental research teams whose expertise is internationally recognised (theory and experimentation, from mathematics and computer science to physics) and technological research teams who benefit from state-of-the-art design and manufacturing platforms on the same subjects. On the other hand, the research and education communities and industries have a tradition of collaboration embodied by the three Louis (Merlin Gérin, Weil, Néel) in the mid-20th century.

With this momentum, Grenoble launched a pilot programme in 2017, Quantum Engineering Grenoble (IDEX Cross-Disciplinary Project QuEnG and MCSA COFUND GreQuE), to initiate interdisciplinary synergies in the field of quantum engineering, creating a dense ecosystem that connects philosophy and societies to industry, via quantum physics, computer science and mathematics. In the continuity of this programme, QuantAlps has a scientific perimeter based around 5 research axes with strong potential for interconnecting projects:

These five areas bring together the expertise of more than 200 researchers in 18 laboratories.

Published on  September 1, 2021
Updated on April 19, 2023