Ivan Supic (LIP6, Paris) will give a seminar on Wednesday 1 February at 2pm in room 447 of the IMAG building (on the UGA campus). It will also be possible to follow the seminar online (Zoom link below).
Title: Quantum networks self-test all entangled states Abstract: Certifying quantum properties with minimal assumptions is a fundamental problem in quantum information science. Self-testing is a method to infer the underlying physics of a quantum experiment only from the measured statistics. While all bipartite pure entangled states can be self-tested, little is known about how to self-test quantum states of an arbitrary number of systems. Here, we introduce a framework for network-assisted self-testing and use it to self-test any pure entangled quantum state of an arbitrary number of systems. The scheme requires the preparation of a number of singlets that scales linearly with the number of systems, and the implementation of standard projective and Bell measurements, all feasible with current technology. When all the network constraints are exploited, the obtained self-testing certification is stronger than what is achievable in any Bell-type scenario. Our work does not only solve an open question in the field, but also shows how properly designed networks offer new opportunities for the certification of quantum phenomena.
Published on February 1, 2023
Updated on February 2, 2023
On February 1, 2023
2 PM Please arrive at least 5 minutes ahead of time.
Room 447 IMAG Building Saint-Martin-d'Hères Campus 38058 Grenoble Access to the floor is badged, therefore someone will be waiting in the entrance to welcome the attendees before the beginning of the seminar.
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