Graduate school program Quantum

University Grenoble Alpes (UGA) ranked among top French universities has been awarded by the Investments for the Future Program (IFA) to set-up a graduate school at Master level in order to strengthen the impact and international attractiveness of their training through research.

The graduate school brings together six academic components of UGA and its partners within Idex: CEA, CNRS, Inria, CHU Grenoble Alpes, Inserm and INRAE as well as large-scale facilities (ESRF, ILL, GMBL, EMBL). UGA has identified 15 thematic programs within the graduate school, among which a thematic program dedicated to quantum information, quantum engineering, quantum matter and technologies. Grenoble offers indeed a large choice of training opportunities in this field ranging from established Master programs in condensed matter physics to a newly opened Master program in quantum information and quantum engineering.

NewMaster 1 and 2A scholarships: The quantum thematic program offers each year two-year Master scholarships open to international students having obtained their high school diploma (baccalaureat) abroad. The amount of the scholarship is 16 kEuros for two years. It covers the living cost of the student during his stay and the mandatory gratification during his/her research internships. For the academic year 2023-2024, the call is now open. To be eligible to the call students should apply independently to one of the two first year tracks of the program (Master 1 Nanophysics-quantum physics or IPHY 2A 2nd year engineer school track). Please check the dealines of the different application portals: Etude en France (campus France), Mon Master.

Please follow the preselection call: Deadline May 15th, 2024. Download the file for more information.

Topics in strong links with the QUANTUM thematic program

Topics in strong links with the QUANTUM thematic program

The QUANTUM thematic program offers specific high-level training on the quantum properties of device, matter and light shared by several Master programs. It will offer also mobility grants and internship scholarships open to international students. Research topics range from quantum information devices (semiconductors, superconductor, molecular or optical Qubits), quantum calculation and metrology, quantum sensors to quantum materials (bulk, nanostructures and 2D systems) or complex systems and hardware developments for quantum information processing. It also includes multidisciplinary aspects in computer science and mathematics. All these topics are currently developed in the research programs carried by several Labex: LANEF, MINOS, Persyval.

For the academic year 2021/2022, Masters affiliated to the thematic program consist of an inner circle of five first year or second year Master programs and engineer tracks (“Nanophysics-quantum physics Master 1", "2A-IPHY Photonics and Microelectronics second year Engineer School", “Quantum Information-Quantum Engineering” Master 2, “Nanophysics” Master 2, “3A-IPHY-Photonics and semiconductors” Master 2) which will label students via common courses and an outer circle of Master programs (Master 2 WICS, EMM-Nano+ Erasmus-mundus Master programs, Master programs in mathematics informatics or in humanities) with which pluridisciplinary actions will be also developed. The Engineer/Master students affiliated to the Quantum program will be invited to start a PhD in a research laboratory or in a high-tech company via industrial PhD grants. The affiliated doctoral schools are: Physics (ED Phys) and Electronics, Electrotechnics, Automatics and Signal Treatment (ED EEATS).


Structure of the "QUANTUM" thematic program

The objective of the QUANTUM thematic program is to attract top level French and foreign undergraduate students willing to be part of the quantum technologies developments, and to promote their integration within the leading research laboratories in Grenoble and in France. Through different Master programs, it will offer to the students the proper academic background to start a PhD in a fundamental or R&D research laboratories and prepare them to a professional career in academic research or in a top-level technology R&D company.


The master programs and engineer tracks of the inner circle will offer 12 ECTS labelling disciplinary courses (6 ECTS during first year and 6 ECTS during second year) covering experimental and theoretical fundamental fields in physics. Theses disciplinary courses are completed by a multidisciplinary training taught via seminars focused in the emergence of quantum in other disciplinary fields (computer science, mathematics, philosophy,...) and in industry (big companies, start-ups). These seminars are followed by a lunch during students can discuss with the invited speaker. The cycle of Quantum lunchs take place from december to April. 
Conf PTQ Conf PTQ

For the academic years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, the labelling courses are the following:
Published on  March 19, 2021
Updated on February 7, 2024