Quantum Ethics and Responsible Innovation

Quantum Ethics

Since World War 2, the concept of progress has been replaced by the concept of innovation, and technology is not necessarily considered as “good” anymore. This has given rise to a considerable philosophical work on the ethics of innovation and how technological developments fit with societal acceptance.

The emergence of the quantum computer appears as a paradigm shift, that requires reformulating these essential questions in a new context. In particular, what does the deepening of the production and circulation of data imply in terms of changing innovation ecosystems for AI, digital and data players? Beyond quantum computing, what geopolitical reconfigurations (in power relations, economic relations) are conceivable - and no doubt already partly observable due to the pre-positioning of actors - during the rise of these technologies?

For example, what are the consequences of the emergence of quantum cryptography on national sovereignty, on data security at the level of nations and companies, and on privacy at the level of individuals? What ethics and legal regulation should be recommended for the new technical systems, in a situation of radical innovation? How can we mobilize the imagination (using the resources of creativity and science fiction) to contribute to the inventive design of new frameworks for human and social activity?

To address these questions, we have adopted two complementary strategies :

  • Firstly, a series of interdisciplinary seminars to favour acculturation on these topics between hard and human sciences.
  • Secondly, academic work will be conducted in close collaboration with quantum physicists and technologists.
This research line will be piloted by Prof. Thierry Ménissier, Head of TIQuA, and, a Postdoctoral Fellow.

Humanities and Social Sciences Tuesdays for Quantum - "Les Mardis SHS pour le Quantique"

The seminars led by Thierry Ménissier and special guests, held at LPMMC laboratory, gathers a small group of people who are familiar with quantum sciences and are eager to know the practices of Human and Social Sciences.

The first season of the seminars have passed and a second season with 10 sessions has been planned for the academic year of 2023-24.

Get all the information on these seminars in its dedicated page.
Published on  March 28, 2023
Updated on September 18, 2023