Humanities for Quantum Sciences

Ontology and foundations of quantum physics, uses, impacts and ethics of quantum technologies


The philosophy of science component of this research axis aims to provide a conceptual and philosophical perspective on the research at QuantAlps, thereby promoting a fruitful dialogue not only between physics and philosophy, but also among the other research axes of the quantum ecosystem in Grenoble.
It focuses in particular on issues related to quantum ontology and on investigating traditional philosophical questions in the light of quantum theory (e.g. regarding causality, determinism, the nature of space and time).

Social sciences 

The social science component of this research axis studies the uses and impacts of quantum technologies. Its purpose is to involve methods and perspectives from the social sciences to develop a responsible research and innovation approach in quantum technologies, and to develop tools to evaluate their impacts.

Contact person: Thierry Ménissier
Published on  September 3, 2021
Updated on October 4, 2023