Humanities and Social Sciences Tuesdays for Quantum

"Les Mardis SHS pour le Quantique" - MSHSQ

MSHSQ examines the relationships between science, society and innovation. These relationships are complex, and this complexity stems first and foremost from the fact that the socialization of discoveries and inventions never obeys a univocal logic. Several different levels need to be taken into account. Firstly, the interests of research players, whether individual or institutional, do not correspond exactly to those of entrepreneurs who wish to disseminate discoveries and inventions in the form of innovations. Secondly, the reception of these innovations by users obeys social phenomena such as direct institutional prescription, mercantile incentives and varying degrees of social acceptability, all of which distort the innovators' initial intentions.

This seminar series takes a broad look at these phenomena in three different ways. Firstly, it uses philosophy to explore a variety of themes concerning fundamental and social epistemology, research and technology ethics, and the politics and influence of science and technology.

Secondly, it invites researchers in the humanities and social sciences to talk about their backgrounds and analyze their working methods, in order to encourage dialogue between scientific disciplines.

Thirdly, it takes a closer look at certain fields of research, inviting those involved to engage in dialogue with the Grenoble community of quantum scientists.

Venue: Common room (salle de convivialité), Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés (LPMMC, UMR 5493) Bat G, 25 avenue des Martyrs, 38042 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9

Dissemination of information via the QuantAlps Research Federation's internal mailing list. If you are not part of this mailing list, and you wish to be notified, please contact us at : .

Free entry subject to online registration.

Program of Seminars: Season 3 (2024-25)

In the third season of debates, Thierry Ménissier and special guests, invite quantum scientist and other eager audience to delve deeper into subjects related to Humanities and Social Sciences. These sessions will be held once a month from December 2024 to June 2025.

The program of season 3, is based on that of season 2 and is organized into three distinct series :

  • The "Exploration" of topics, involves presentations of topics by Thierry Ménisser, which may be followed up in the "In-depth" series.
  • "In-depth" sessions focuses on a theme that will be explored over three to four sessions.
  • "Invitation" sessions are extended to SHS researchers in UGA. It consists of a presentation of their research activity.

As the season progresses, descriptions of the previous season's sessions will be made available on this page, so make sure to check it regularly.

Date Session's Topic

December 10th 2024

"Special Guest" serie

Ethics and Science: a framework for responsible quantum researchers

Agenda of Seminars: Season 2 (2023-24)

The "in-depth" series chosen for this season is entitled "Artists and Quantum Scientists". Its aim is to explore the relationship between the work of quantum scientists and that of artists. To this end, artists interested in quantum-related themes are invited to meet with scientists and discuss the effect these themes have on their approaches, in the form of free reflections but also in their own specific ways, for example in the form of experiential workshops.

Date Session's Topic

September 12th 2023

"Exploration" serie

How can science and technology be ethically reasoned today? (Resumed session from last season)

October 10th

"Special Guest" serie

What are the methodologies and aims of experimental economics?

December 5th

"In-depth" serie

Artists and Quantum Scientist #1 - Artistic creation and quantum knowledge

December 19th 2023


Doesn't the idea of a "geopolitics of scientific knowledge" contradict the universality of science?

January 16th 2024

"Special Guest"

Using the methods of social psychology, can we achieve a science of emotions?

February 13th


What sobriety for environmental transitions? Utilitarian ethics vs. aetaism or moral perfectionism, or two versions of sobriety

March 12th


Artists and Quantum Scientist #2 - Artistic creation and quantum knowledge : Playing...together

April 9th

"Special Guest"

A research program in the anthropology of communication

June 18th

"Special Guest"

Responsible Quantum Innovation should be Sustainable: Integrating Sustainability into the Responsible Research & Innovation Approach


Agenda of first Season

Date Session's Topic

March 21st 2023

Introduction, seminar scope and ambition, program presentation

April 25th

If the humanities and social sciences are not strictly speaking sciences, what are they?

May 16th

Does Science have a social role to play?

June 6th

How to reason ethically

Published on  September 18, 2023
Updated on December 4, 2024