Event Mobility for PhD Students

Sponsorship for doctoral students who wish to participate in schools, workshops or conferences.


  • This support is to be used by any Doctoral student enrolled in a member laboratory.
  • Priority will be given to first-time applicants.
  • The requested amount must reflect the destination and be in line with the laboratory's travel policies.

Amount: For up to 3 000€ per person. The requested amount must be justified in the application.

Application period:

The application platform will be open from July 15th, 2024 to September 15th, 2024. A priority would be given to the funding the missions planned in 2024, you can also apply if the event you wish to participate in would take place in 2025.
Later calls are planned for winter 2024 and Spring 2025.

How to apply:

Use the application form below to submit your requests.

Results: The applicants will be informed of the results three weeks after the end of call.

Other remarks: You will not receive a confirmation of your submission, if you wish to receive the summary of your application, email QuantAlps Contact.


Published on  June 14, 2023
Updated on July 15, 2024