ESONN'2024 Summer School

Summer school
August 25, 2024 - September 7, 2024
ESONN’2024 (21st edition) is a two-week summer school aimed at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists coming from all around the world and working in the fields dealing with Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies.

This 2024 edition of the school is comprised of academic lectures and seminars and also practical courses in Grenoble, all delivered by leading experts covering different aspects on elaboration, characterization and functionalities of nano-objects.

Significant part of the program is devoted to the laboratory courses, providing unique hands-on learning opportunities.


On a world-wide level, Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies constitute an important, fast growing field both in academia and industry, due to considerable potential of their applications for economic development.
In this context, the European School On Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ESONN) is promoted for advanced learning based on leading-edge research. In collaboration with European universities and research centers, ESONN propose annually a 2-week programme comprising both lectures and laboratory courses.

​The aim of this training is to offer young researchers a structured view of the principles involved in the elaboration and in the functioning of nano-structures, nano-components and nano-machines.
At ESONN, students from various universities spend two weeks together, participating in an intensive and unique learning experience, thus forming long-lasting friendships that will promote their work beyond the PhD.

ESONN program is endowed with two key points:

  • The first one is interdisciplinarity, since research in Nanosciences demands a combination of various skills in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  • The second point emphasises the role of laboratory courses. Very often, summer schools do not offer this opportunity of fundamental importance both for basic science and for applications. ESONN practicals provide a unique opportunity to address a complete set of aspects, such as nanofabrication, nano-elaboration, techniques of nano-measurements, nano-characterization and the physical principles behind them.
Published on  March 25, 2024
Updated on  April 15, 2024