April 15, 2024 - April 26, 2024Chamonix - Site des Houches
Mehran Kardar, Giorgio Parisi and Yi-Cheng Zhang proposed in 1986 an equation describing the scale invariance of various phenomena. This field has experienced a second life in recent years with the identification of universal distributions highlighted in very different models, both at the theoretical (spin chains, lattice gases) and experimental (cold atoms, exciton-polaritons) levels. Our goal is to provide a broad and accessible overview of these advances, together with the most recent results on these topics.
Theory of out-of-equilibrium interfaces in random media
KPZ scalings in open quantum systems
Fluctuations in excitons-polaritons gases
Experimental realization of KPZ fronts
Driven spin chains
Mathematical aspects of the KPZ universality class
5 lectures of 6 hours (each lecture is split in four 1h30 sessions of teaching/exercises).
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