Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation: new trends in theories and experiments

April 15, 2024 - April 26, 2024Chamonix - Site des Houches


Mehran Kardar, Giorgio Parisi and Yi-Cheng Zhang proposed in 1986 an equation describing the scale invariance of various phenomena. This field has experienced a second life in recent years with the identification of universal distributions highlighted in very different models, both at the theoretical (spin chains, lattice gases) and experimental (cold atoms, exciton-polaritons) levels. Our goal is to provide a broad and accessible overview of these advances, together with the most recent results on these topics.


  • Theory of out-of-equilibrium interfaces in random media
  • KPZ scalings in open quantum systems
  • Fluctuations in excitons-polaritons gases
  • Experimental realization of KPZ fronts
  • Driven spin chains
  • Mathematical aspects of the KPZ universality class


5 lectures of 6 hours (each lecture is split in four 1h30 sessions of teaching/exercises).

10 invited talks (1h, questions included).

10 contributed talks (30min, questions included).

2 poster sessions.

The book of abstracts is available at this link.

The recordings of lectures and presentations are available at this link.

Published on  July 10, 2024
Updated on  July 10, 2024