Quantum Energy Initiative 2025 Workshop

January 6, 2025 - January 10, 2025Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire
Launched in August 2022, the Quantum Energy Initiative is fostering a worldwide community of experts willing to develop scientific approaches to evaluating and minimizing the physical resource costs of emerging quantum technologies. This requires the synergy of a broad range of expertises, from fundamental quantum physics to enabling technologies, from hardware to software, from research to industry.

Building on the strong foundations at the first Quantum Energy Initiative Workshop (Singapore, Nov 2023), this second workshop will bring together highly renowned speakers of all these areas, to provide their vision on these exciting and essential questions. It will also leave time for discussions and crossed-fertilization to the build new methodologies and roadmaps. See Workshop Spirit.


Research on energy or other resources in the following contexts:

  • Fundamental quantum devices: energy, entropy or resources at the fundamental quantum level.
  • Quantum hardware: macroscopic energy and entropy for quantum devices, including enabling technologies, etc.
  • Quantum algorithms and software: NISQ or large-scale quantum computing, quantum communication protocols, etc.
  • Hybrid HPC-quantum, reservoir computing, etc: High-performance computing (HPC) in hybrid with quantum technologies. Reservoir and Neuromorphic computing. Classical computing inspired by quantum algorithms. Other technologies that are hybrids of quantum and classical, etc.
  • Classical computing & classical information thermodynamics: resources in classical computing,  fundamental bounds on classical information processing, etc.
Published on  December 6, 2024
Updated on  December 6, 2024