In the framework of a long-standing collaboration established by Makoto Naruse and Serge Huant between Grenoble and Tokyo and more recently of a Joint PhD program CNRS-UTokyo, a France-Japan Workshop is being organized on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023.
The aim is to stimulate new interdisciplinary collaborations between Universities, CNRS, CEA.
Cailabs and Japan Science and Technology Agency will also be represented during this workshop.
Discussions with the Japanese delegation can be organized throughout the week upon request.
Published on February 24, 2023
Updated on February 24, 2023
On February 28, 2023
From 9 AM to 6 PM
Nevill Mott Hall - D420 Building D - Third Floor CNRS Campus 25 rue des Martyrs 38000 Grenoble
Access to the CNRS campus is restricted. Please bring your badge or contact the organizer (Guillaume Bachelier) to gain access to the campus well in advance.
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