School on Experimental, Theoretical and Numerical approaches to Frustrated Quantum Magnets

October 28, 2024 - November 8, 2024Chamonix - Site des Houches

The field of quantum spin liquids has established itself over the course of the past five decades, thanks to the availaibility of frustrated magnetic platforms in three spatial dimensions, such as pyrochlore, hyperkagome, and hyperhoneycomb materials. Modern sources of magnetic frustration also allow to design unprecedented forms of magnetic ordering at low temperatures.

The rapid strides over the last decade in our understanding of the microscopic origin of these novel states in quantum materials and model Hamiltonians has been made possible due to the synergy between theory and experiment.  Recent developments in theoretical and numerical quantum many-body approaches now allow direct comparisons with experimental quantities such as the dynamical spin structure factor and low-temperature thermodynamics, thereby bridging the gap between theory and experiment. 

The school will introduce general concepts in frustrated magnetism, and offer coherent and comprehensive series of lectures and tutorials involving experimentalists, theoreticians and numerical experts in the field.


Published on  July 10, 2024
Updated on  July 10, 2024