Foreign Visiting Scientists

Sponsorship for hosting foreign visiting scientists in a QuantAlps' member laboratory.

QuantAlps welcomes inter-laboratory projects to host a researcher, working in the research themes of QuantAlps. New collaborations are highly encouraged.

Eligibility and conditions:

  • The visiting scientist must hold a position in his/her home institution outside France.

  • The visit must be scheduled for the year 2025.

  • The visiting scientist is asked to organize a mini-workshop during his/her stay (which may also be sponsored by QuantAlps in the framework of the "Event Organisation" Sponsorship program) or a series of courses related to his/her scientific activities. This event must be announced to QuantAlps community via newsletter and publication on the website.

  • QuantAlps' funding is to be used to cover the costs of the mission (travel, meals and accommodation), for the duration of the visit (between one week and one month) and up to a maximum of €4,000 (€1,000 per week) per application. Once accepted, the funding will be sent two months prior to the visit's date, in the form of a transfer to the hosting laboratory for booking and travel arrangements.

  • Any additional or exceeding costs must be covered by the host laboratories.

Application Process:

Period: From Decemner 16st,2024 to January 31st, 2025.
Application: Please send the application by email to "" with the following documents:

  • CV of the invitee

  • Description of the research project, including the collaborations envisaged with the different laboratories, as well as the course or workshop (1-2 pages); also naming the hosting laboratory and possible date of arrival of the invitee

  • Declaration of interest of local collaborators (an email is sufficient)

Selection Process:

  • Applications will be reviewed by the QuantAlps board of directos and results will be announced three weeks after the end of call.

  • A lump sum will be transferred to the hosting laboratory for the management of selected applications' mission, two months prior to the visit.

While in visit:

  • The local contact must ensure the exchange of information with QuantAlps to publish all the events organized during the visit of the foreign scientist through its website and newsletter.

  • The logo of QuantAlps must appear in any communications made during the visit
  • A short report must be sent to QuantAlps, one month after the end of the visit.

If you have any questions regarding this call, please contact

Published on  June 14, 2023
Updated on December 11, 2024