
  • Call
    Autumn 2024 PhD Program
    Ongoing call
    Call for application – PhD grants in quantum sciences and technologies in Grenoble Deadline : September 27th 2024 at 17:00 (central European time)
    Find out more
  • School
    ESONN'24 Summer School
    25 August - 7 Septembre, 2024
    ESONN is a two-week course aimed at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists from universities and laboratories, all around the world, in the field of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies.
    Find out more
  • Funding
    QuantAlps' Sponsorships
    Call open until September 15,2024
    All members of QuantAlps Community can benefit from fundings to realize different research activities. Click to consult the different sponsorships available.
    Find out more
  • PhD mobility
    GRA Quantum: Franco-Canadian call for applications for doctoral students in quantum technologies
    Ongoing call
    To support the Canadian government's National Quantum Strategy, the Canadian organisation Mitacs is launching the GRA Quantum campaign, a call for proposals for doctoral students. The campaign is implemented jointly by the Department of International and Territorial Development (UGA) and QuantAlps Research Federation.
    Find out more
  • Event
    QuantAlps Days 2024
    30 September & 1 October, 2024
    Save the date.
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More than
200 scientists

Ian Rahmadi Kurniawan

19 Laboratories
1 Research Federation